
Welcome to our class page

Teachers: Miss Moore

TAs: Mrs Bennett, Mrs Joseph and Mrs Rees


Welcome to Falcons’ Class Page!.

Happy New Year!

Make sure you keep checking on this page and our Class Dojo for updates on what we’ve been getting up to!

This term’s topic is ‘Fairground.’   Take a look at our curriculum letter to find out more.

Links and documents can be found at the bottom of this page

We look forward to a fantastic third term together!

Miss Moore, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Joseph and Mrs Rees

Key information:

  • This term we have Mr Murphy for hockey lessons on Thursday mornings.  The children will also have a class session of Outdoor Learning with Mrs Evans on a Friday morning.  Please can children wear a plain white t-shirt and navy shorts (no football strips please).  As the weather may be cold, children may also want to wear a black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms too with hats/gloves etc. For Outdoor Learning, we advise warm, old clothes they don’t mind getting muddy with wellies/boots. 
  • Homework for this term will consist of an English or Maths task and also a practise sheet for their weekly spellings (tested on a Monday).  Children should also be reading at least 3 times per week.  They will have a times table target and it will  be tested on a Friday.

Useful websites:







Term 3 Stage 5

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Hits: 18
Date modified: 12-01-2025

Term 3 Fairground 2025

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Hits: 16
Date modified: 12-01-2025

High Frequency Words

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Hits: 19
Date modified: 12-01-2025