Here at Redland School, we follow the objectives set out on the National Curriculum to ensure children are physically active for sustained periods, whilst learning the lifelong importance of engaging in a healthy and active lifestyle. We provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness through:
– Two hours of physical activity in school a week. This can be through PE lessons and our outdoor learning lessons
– Whole class involvement in competitive sport with other local primary schools
– After-school sports clubs
– Individual/team sporting events each term
– Active playtimes
-Active lessons throughout the curriculum e.g outdoor maths
– Swimming lessons for Year 4 children
We have our Sports Coach from Up and Under, Mr Murphy, who leads sessions with the children throughout the year. And our outdoor learning sessions, which are offered to different classes each term, count towards our two hour physical activity and are led by our Outdoor Learning Lead Sian Evans. Other in class PE sessions are led by the class teachers and all follow the GetSetforPE scheme.
The National Curriculum link for PE can be found here:
** This page is still being updated due to our recent change of PE scheme**