
Redland School Governing body is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.

Twelve Governor positions form the Full Governing Body, the different categories of governor ensures a diversity of experience and outlook. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Governor at Redland School, please contact the Clerk via email:

Meet our Governors

Gerard Hilderly – Chair of Governors & Co-Opted Governor 

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 13.10.15  Current term ends: 12.10.24

Link Governor for Safeguarding, Disadvantaged Learners, Pupil Premium, Sport Premium, Filtering and Monitoring and Whistleblowing.  Chair of Pay and Staffing Committee.

I am delighted to have been appointed as a Governor and subsequently Chair of Governors. Having taken on the role, my keen interest is to see the school continue with its upbeat and happy natured learning environment and good values. Where I can be supportive to maintain this. I will endeavour to do so. As a photographer I am eager to champion the broad learning areas covered by Science and the Creative Arts, whilst gaining a greater understanding of the school’s successful teaching methods within the core subjects.  

Cathy Oliver – Vice Chair and Local Authority Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 4.12.19 Current term ends: 3.12.24

Link Governor for Curriculum

I joined Redland as a volunteer in October 2011.  I have always been impressed by the dedicated and enthusiastic approach to education evident throughout school. I was therefore delighted to be invited to join as a Governor to further support the excellent work that Redland already do.

I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to enjoy academic success, a fulfilling career in the Pharmaceutical Industry and an active social life making music.  As a Governor, I hope to support the Staff and students, so every child has the opportunity reach their potential; whichever their field of interest, whatever their abilities.

Veronika Joy – Headteacher, Staff Governor 

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 6.3.17  Current term lasts while still Headteacher

Having worked at the school for 18 years, I have built strong relationships with the children, parents, staff and governors, each of whom play a fundamental part in our school community and drive its success. I have been teaching for over 23 years, and have taught across both Key Stages in my career, but mainly in Upper Key Stage 2. When I made the decision to apply for the headship, I knew I wanted to be the head of Redland School – not just any school! That is a testament to the fantastic children, supportive parents and hardworking, committed staff and governors.

Christa O’Brien – Staff Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 26.9.18  Current term ends: 25.9.26

Chair of Curriculum Committee

I have been part of the Redland team for over 7 years now and have really enjoyed each year. I have taught in Buzzards (year 4/5), Puffins (year 3), Nightingales (year 3/4) and Falcons (year 5/6). Teaching has always been my passion and I continue to enjoy working with the incredible children and staff we have at Redland. As an Assistant Headteacher, I enjoy being part of the Senior Leadership Team, being able to contribute to the successful running of Redland Primary School. I am thoroughly excited about the future of Redland and am confident that the children, staff and parents will help to make Redland even better, year on year!

Abbie Moore – Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 9.10.23  Current term ends: 8.10.27

Member of the Curriculum Committee

I am in my seventh year of teaching and third year at Redland Primary School. My teaching career has mostly been focused on KS2, particularly Years 4 and 5 (although I am quite keen to try them all!). I whole-heartedly believe that I am in my dream career and cannot ever imagine doing anything different! I love teaching the children, seeing them flourish and grow academically and personally. I consider myself to be a caring, understanding teacher with an enthusiastic approach to learning and I am always very reflective and therefore inquisitive to continue my professional development through research.  I am very proud to be a part of the Redland Team and I am excited to understand more about the wider aspects of the school by now being on the governing team. 

Vacancy – Co-Opted Governor 


Pauline Elson – Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 10.11.22 Current term ends 9.11.26

Link Governor for SEND

I come with a background of special educational needs but I am now retired.  I am delighted to have been appointed as a Co-Opted Governor.  Having taken on the role I am keen to encourage and support the inclusive work which Redland do.

Susan French – Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 1.3.23 Current term ends 28.2.27

Link Governor for Curriculum, Staff Wellbeing Governor

I recently retired after 44 years in the civil service and started volunteering at Redland late in 2022.  I was immediately impressed by the enthusiasm and energy of the staff and the students and was delighted to be asked if I would be interested in becoming a Governor.

I have been fortunate to gain a wide range of skills throughout my career and hope to be able to bring this experience to contribute to the running of the school and help to support the amazing work that is already being done. 

Luke Cummings – Parent Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 11.12.17  Current term ends: 10.12.25

Link Governor for Early Years. Chair of Finance and Premises Committee

My family and I moved to Chippenham from Swindon.  I’m a father to three energetic daughters, two of whom are now at Redland.  I’m keen to support the school wherever I can.

I have 22 years’ experience working in management and strategic roles for a large financial organisation.  I would like to use the skills I have acquired to help the school continue to achieve high standards whilst also keeping its integrity. 

Stuart Greenan – Parent Governor 

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 6.10.21  Current term ends: 5.10.25

Link Governor for Curriculum

I am a parent to two girls who really enjoy going to school at Redland, and through them I have seen the great work the school is doing in educating them and, just as importantly, helping develop them into confident, well rounded individuals.  I have always been struck by the staff’s enthusiasm and sense of community when engaging with them.  When I was approached to be a Governor I was pleased to accept in order to help support the brilliant work that is already being done.

My background as a scientist means I have a curious and enquiring mind, so I am always keen to understand more about the running of the school, the approach to teaching the curriculum and where I can help maintain standards, and drive improvements.

Stuart Greenan

Gill Johnson – Parent Governor

Appointed by Full Governing Body: 5.7.23  Current term ends: 4.7.27

Link Governor for Curriculum

As a parent of two children who are thriving at Redland, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to support the school through becoming a Governor.

I have a background in senior leadership for several large and small charities, including fundraising and project management roles, and have also worked as a climate change educator across primary schools in the Southwest and beyond. I hope to be able to use my knowledge and skills to support the staff and pupils of Redland and contribute to the ongoing success of the school.

Parent Governor   –  (Vacancy)

Lisa Pullin – Clerk to the Governors (Appointed 1 September 2017)

If you would like to see copies of school policies, or Governor meeting agendas and minutes, these may be obtained from the school office.

All our Governors have declared that they have no Business or Pecuniary interests.

No Governors left during the 2022-2023 academic year.

2023-2024 – Co-opted Governor Katie Sadler left her role – her term was from 25 Sep 2019 to 8 Sep 2023.

2023-2024 – Co-opted Governor Caryl Kay left her role – her term was from 21 Nov 2018 to 17 May 2024.


Code of Conduct 23-24 for Governors

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Hits: 63
Date modified: 05-12-2023

Committee Memberships 2023-24

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Hits: 59
Date modified: 10-11-2023

Governor Letter to Parents Oct 2022

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Hits: 118
Date modified: 31-10-2022

Governors Meeting Attendance Tracker 2021-22

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Hits: 96
Date modified: 07-09-2022

Governors Meeting Attendance tracker 2022-23

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Hits: 59
Date modified: 27-09-2023

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests

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Hits: 63
Date modified: 05-12-2023