
Welcome to our class page

Teachers: Miss James and Mrs Steele

TAs: Miss Whittle


Welcome to our Year 1 class, Starlings!  


This term we will be focusing on significant explorers from history! We will learn about the exploration of Ibn Battuta, an explorer who lived 700 years ago, and Matthew Henson a polar explorer who may have been the first man to step foot in the North Pole. We will then compare his exploration to a much more recent exploration by Felicity Aston. 


Links and documents can be found at the bottom of this page. 🙂


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Key information:

  • PE will be on a Tuesday  when children can come into school in their PE kit.  Please can children wear a plain white t-shirt and black/navy shorts (no football strips please).  
  • Outdoor learning will be on a Thursday when children can come to school in suitable outdoor clothing. Please be mindful of the weather and send your child in with waterproofs/wellies when appropriate. 
  • Children will have weekly spellings.  These will be tested on a Wednesday with new spellings given after. 
  • Please continue to read with your child at home. Phonics books will be taken home on a Friday and need to be returned on Wednesdays. 

Robins and Starlings Curriculum Letter Term 6

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Useful websites:
