
Welcome to our class page

Teachers: Miss James and Miss Weston

TAs: Miss Whittle


Welcome to our Year 1 class, Starlings!  

This terms topic is called ‘Toys’. It is a History based topic where we will be learning all about how and where we can find out about things that have happened in the past. We will be learning about popular toys through the 20th century and the early 21st century. We will investigate how they have changed over time.

We will be also learning lines and songs for the Christmas play called ‘A twinkly nativity’. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for tickets. 

Links and documents can be found at the bottom of this page. 🙂

Curriculum Letter term 2

Key information:

  • PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday when children can come into school in their PE kit.  Please can children wear a plain white t-shirt and black/navy shorts (no football strips please).  
  • Children will have weekly spellings.  
  • Please continue to read with your child at home. Phonics books will be taken home on a Friday and need to be returned on Wednesdays. 

Useful websites:
