
Welcome to our class page with:

Teachers: Miss Moore

TAs: Mrs Moore and Mrs Joseph

Term 6! 

Make sure you keep checking on this page and our Class Dojo for updates on what we’ve been getting up to!

This term’s topic is an art topic where we will be learning how to create pieces of art inspired by prehistoric art and also space themed drawings. 

At the bottom of this page you should find helpful links and documents to explain more about our term – The Curriculum Letter details it for you.

 There are now three spelling groups and all of the spelling lists are attached, as well as the homework plan for Term 6, which is based on arithematic.

As usual, please dojo, call or find me on the playground if you would like to discuss your child’s learning or wellbeing. We are excited for another great term with all the wonderful children in Hawks!

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Key information:

  • PE is on Thursdays with Mr Murphy (outside) and me on Fridays. On Thursdays, we will learning to play tchouk ball. On a Friday morning, we will be learning rounders.
  • Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and handed back in on the following week on a Monday. It will be 1x spelling, 1 x arithemetic  each week this term and they will also have their own times table target to focus on, as well as their 3 x weekly reads.
  • Times tables are tested each Friday. You will find their own target in their reading record. Practicing recalling / post its around the house can support them with this and we may send home some resources if children are finding a particular times table tricky. Times Table Rockstar can also really support their learning here. They suggest 21 garage games a week. The website can be found below.
  • Their Multiplication Table Check will be happening in the first two weeks of term.
  • Please can children aim for 3 x home reads with an adult, recorded in their reading record – this really supports their progress in their reading, their understanding of the world, their vocabulary development and their mental wellbeing. 

Thank you for all your support! We really appreciate it. We cannot believe it is the last term but I am so excited for another jam-packed final term with them all.

Useful websites:









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Term 6 Spelling Mrs M

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Date modified: 07-06-2024

Term 6 Spelling Mrs J

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Term 6 Spelling Miss Moore

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Summer 2 2024

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Date modified: 07-06-2024