
Welcome to our class page

Teachers: Mr Smith and Miss Sadler

TAs: Mrs Borman and Mrs Walker


Welcome to term 3 in Robins Class. Our topic this term is ‘Let’s Go to China!’

We will focus on the main human and physical features of the country and will learn about the geographical similarities and differences between China and the United Kingdom. 

For more information about our topic and what we will be learning in all areas of the curriculum, please see our curriculum map below: 


24 25 Term 2 Currriculum Overview

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Hits: 43
Date modified: 05-11-2024

24 25 Term 3 Curriculum Overview

Size: 135.19 KB
Hits: 12
Date modified: 27-01-2025

Key information:

  • PE lessons this term are on a Monday and Thursday so please can the children come into school in their PE kit.  Both lessons are inside this term.